Wednesday 30 July 2014

Three weeks in

I can't believe we are three weeks in already, a quarter of the way through Ruby's Rockley rehab.

I am currently on annual leave from work and on a bit of a health kick, after all it will be no good having a sound pony if I'm not fit enough to keep up.  My Husband and I (and our two labradors) headed out on the West Highland Way last Friday in blazing, glorious sunshine.  We have been doing a fair bit of hill walking, including a dozen or so Munros (Scottish Mountains) in preparation for the 97 mile walk from Glasgow to Fort William.  All was going well until we reached the halfway point.  Our male lab, Bruce, developed very sore, blistered foot pads on his hind feet.  We had previously joked that he would be the last man standing as he is so fit but we were left eating our words.  Between the rest of us we had a few sore muscles but no blisters at all.  It was disappointing to come home, but we will certainly be back to try again.  Next time we will probably leave the dogs at home though.  Camping in a tent with two smelly dogs was by far the most difficult bit.

It was great to get back home to a lovely 3 week update about Ruby.  I'm really impressed with the frog on her right fore which looks to have beefed up significantly.  There's not much change to see on the lateral shots, but the heel photos show all sorts of crazy things happening to the wall length and angles.  Hopefully for the better!  Nic blogged that she is optimistic the elusive heel first landing is not too far away.  I very much hope she is right.

To continue the theme of my health kick, and to help the next nine weeks pass as quickly as possible, I have decided to try some pilates.  My husband and I tried our first session at home using a book for beginners.  I'm not sure it should involve rolling around on a mat in hysterics, so we'll have to see if we can do better next time!  If anyone can suggest a good dvd please do comment and let me know.

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